This can cause breasts to develop and menstrual periods to start. If the tumor secretes estrogens (female-type hormones), girls can start puberty early. Male hormones may also enlarge the penis in boys or the clitoris in girls. The most common symptoms are excessive growth of facial and body hair (such as in the pubic and underarm areas). In children, symptoms are most often caused by the androgens (male-type hormones) that the tumor secretes. Symptoms caused by androgen or estrogen production Getting the proper medical tests is the only way to find out and to get the proper treatment, if needed. These symptoms may be caused by an adrenal tumor or by something else. If you or your child has any of the signs or symptoms described here, discuss them with your doctor without delay. In the other half, symptoms occur because the tumor has grown so large that it presses on nearby organs. In about half of people with adrenal cancer, symptoms are caused by the hormones made by the tumor.