The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters.

Shell theme encompasses a variety of inspiring options for color styles for the site.Template structure comprises 40+ positions for the location of the modules and 6 suffixes.Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.Quickstart package - the ability to quickly and easily install theme with the demo data.The presence of PSD files to easily change the template design.The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!.This is one of those undeniable advantages of all templates JoomlaPlates.

And if you have a desire to change the color scheme of the website, you can always use pre-made schemes available in the options of the theme, and in a special Adjuster, working in real-time. With this template, you can forget about any manipulations with the code of the site layout and immediately begin attracting new customers. To move on all these topics, in the right part of the screen are small buttons of scrolling, you can instantly be in any part of the web page. Through it visitors can easily navigate, where is the institution that represents the web site. As the last section, namely, the basement of the site, here is an interactive Google map. Thanks to the parallax effect, the background for these sections can be even the biggest photos. In addition to the photos in the header, this template Joomla includes several large images that serve as a backdrop for the different sections of the website. Menu color you can change in the settings. Its background is semi-transparent menu site moving to the top of the screen when the visitor scrolls down the page and remaining there for ease of navigation. Thus, almost the entire top of the web page is a large photo, intended to demonstrate the interior. Since the structure of this template is made in the form odnostranichnika, its design is dominated by large items and large format images, due to which it looks very professional and expensive. Therefore, JoomlaPlates QBar allows you to configure each individual element of a web page most subtle, so she can match the chic high-class institution and to reflect all the feelings of elegance and beauty that should appear on its visitors. The web site of a good restaurant or cafe should maintain the same standards of quality as the institution itself. In the restaurant business, in addition to the food, the atmosphere and décor is an integral part of the attraction of the institution.